Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!


100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

List of fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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1080 Pts

Bonus Missions - All Together Now

Try these bonus Missions to add to your reading experience! They are not required, just fun to do - but they are worth points you can add to your reading minutes!

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Community Connections

A list of activities to help you engage with your community in new and meaningful ways.

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Create Something!

Get creative this Summer! Take the time to create a work of art, a poem, or whatever else you would like to make! Teens are invited to attend Chit, Chat, and Craft this summer where we will be making art all summer. For more information, visit elpl.org or email Rheanna, the Teen Services Specialist, at rreeder@cityofeastlansing.com.

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Kindness Counts

Do something nice and show kindness to others! These activities are great ways to show your generosity.

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Little Explorers

Get your little ones to expand their horizons. This can be accomplished by trying something new or seeing things in a different light. Teach your little ones that you don’t have to travel far to explore new things—wonderment can be found everywhere!

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Modern Wonders

There are seven modern wonders of the world. Do you know where they are? Enter the name of the country for each of the seven modern wonders.

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Read for 20 minutes

Read anything you like for 20 minutes!

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Read for 20 minutes

Read anything you like for 20 minutes!

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Read for 20 minutes

Read anything you like for 20 minutes!

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Share the Joy

Let's work together! Complete the activities below with your little one.

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Stop 1

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Read a Book About Diverse Abilities

Challenge yourself to read diverse books this Summer! Read a book about life with diverse abilities. Visit the teen room room to pick up a book list next time you are at the library or check out YA: Diverse Abilities with links to our online catalog. Once the mission is complete, you will earn 100 points towards: program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!

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108 Pts

Tell or Write a Story

Create your very own story! It doesn't have to be long, just yours. Make it funny, or sad, or action-packed. Share it with a friend or one of your grown-ups!

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Volunteer at ELPL

Volunteer for 100 minutes at the library this summer and earn 100 points towards: program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!  Talk to the Teen Services Librarian (Rheanna) at the library for more information or you can email her at rreeder@cityofeastlansing.com.  Volunteer options include children's services, cleaning around the library, organizing the shelves, putting crafts together, and other service as needed.

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108 Pts

Listen to an Audio Book or Podcast

Look for a kids' podcast or audiobook - be sure to check the podcast, most intended for kids are clearly labeled. Listen to the story! What did you think?

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Write a Book Review

Write a book review on the ELPL website to complete the mission and earn 100 points!  Writing a review is simple.  First go to elpl.org and login to your account.  Next, search for a book in the catalog that you want to review.  Then click on the title, give it a star rating, and scroll down to write 3-5 sentences about the book!  Copy what you wrote on the website here on ReadSquared to complete the mission.

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108 Pts

Write a Note to Someone Special

Write a note to someone you care about! You don't have to send it, but they would probably love to get a note from you. This note can be on paper or an email or even a text message!

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108 Pts

Create Some Art or a Poem

Stories can get our creative minds going! Get art and writing supplies together and try making some art or a poem inspired by your reading or your favorite topic. Or try making both!

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Library Event

Attend a Library Event to complete this mission and earn 100 points towards program completion! Visit our Events Page on elpl.org to see all of the events for teens this summer, including Pride Prom on 6/6 and the Summer Kickoff Party on 6/8!  Although we hope you can attend every event this summer, this mission can only be earned once. For more information, email Rheanna, the Teen Services Specialist, at rreeder@cityofeastlansing.com. 

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LGBTQ+ Voices

Challenge yourself to read diverse books this summer!  Read a book by a Queer author about the LGBTQ+ experience. Visit the teen room room to pick up a book list next time you are at the library or check out Pride All Year: LGBTQ+ YA Recommendations with links to our online catalog.  Once the mission is complete, you will earn 100 points towards: program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!

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108 Pts

Participate in a Library Program

Need something fun to do? Stop by East Lansing Public Library this summer! We have a ton of fun free programs for all ages - to learn about them stop by our building at 950 Abbot Road in East Lansing or stop by our Events page on our website, ELPL.ORG! If you have any questions about children's programs, please contact our youth services librarian, Gillian! She can be reached at 517-319-6840 or gstreet@cityofeastlansing.com.

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Celebrate Black Voices

Challenge yourself to read diverse books this summer! Check out a book written by Black Voices. Stop into the teen room to grab a book list the next time you are at the library or check out Celebrate Black Voices with links to our online catalog. Once the mission is complete, you will earn 100 points towards program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!

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Read a Book with Multiple Authors

Challenge yourself to read a book written by multiple authors! This can be fiction or nonfiction, and if you need some ideas visit the teen room for a booklist or check out our online catalog on elpl.org! Once the mission is complete, you will earn 100 points towards program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!

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108 Pts

Take a Walk with Someone Special

Pick a safe path in your neighborhood, at a park, near stores, at a festival - wherever you like! Take a stroll with someone you care about - one of your grownups or a friend - or a few friends. It's your walk! You could talk as you go or enjoy the weather. If you have a pet that likes to go on walks, bring them along. If it's a long walk, be sure to bring water along!

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108 Pts

Draw a Self-Portrait

A self-portrait is like a selfie - except you draw! You can use a photo or a mirror as you draw, but you don't have to. You can even draw a self-portrait of how you're feeling that day, or what you're thinking about. If you choose to draw your face, you could make a silly face or draw how you'd look in the fanciest outfit you can imagine. It's your portrait - make it how you like!

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Read Something New

Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone and read something new! If you like romance, maybe try a fantasy or sci-fi novel! If you like graphic novels, maybe try a book of poetry. It's up to you. Stop by the teen room the next time you are at the library and grab a book list or check out our online catalog! Once the mission is complete, you will earn 100 points towards: program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!

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108 Pts

Read a Book Outside Your Comfort Zone

Sometimes we read only one kind of book or only books by one author - but we might be missing out on amazing new stories! Pick a story you don't usually read. Maybe the main character is different from you. Maybe you usually read action stories - you could try reading a mystery story. Maybe this is the first graphic novel you've ever read. Or maybe the first audio book you've ever heard! Branch out and try something new.

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Talk About a Book

Books are even more fun with friends! Read a book together with a friend or discuss your favorite book. Once the mission is complete, you will earn 100 points towards program completion and/or an additional entry into the grand prize drawing!

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108 Pts

Make a Picnic & Enjoy it Outside

Picnics are a great way to test your planning skills. First, check the weather. Sunny days are good days for picnics. Next, where outside do you want to go? Parks can be fun but so can your backyard or a friend's yard. Who is coming to your picnic? Knowing that will help you plan what kind of food and how much to bring. Last, what do you want to eat on your picnic and how can you pack it so it will be ready to eat? Do you want to bring bubbles or games to play outside for after your lunch? While these sound like a lot of steps, it doesn't have to be fancy or difficult. Have a fantastic time!

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108 Pts

Play a Game with Someone Special

Pick out a game and a someone special to play it with - or several special someones! It could be a board game, a card game, hide-and-seek, whatever you like.

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